It’s a big box so should be easy to spot, mine is under the drivers seatThanks both, I will poke around further and come back. Just worried about STOP/START and regen braking causing leisure battery to fail earlier if not been done right. Was expecting to find a Sterling B2B in there.
Well it’s great that you have one but a shame they have hidden it so well. The front panel has LED’s which tell you the charges on the two batteries and what, in the charge cycle, it is doing. Not a big issue unless, like me, you have a touch of OCD where battery charge is concerned.Issue solved. Took vertical panel off below CBE and found battery but no B2B. There is a 15cm void between back cupboard rear panel and the panel you see inside van with controls on. From inside van by rear seat put my hand up by the window curtain and felt the charger in the void. Feels like a Sterling, felt vent slots at top and the indentations that Sterlings have. Very well hidden!
its a pleasure, now more importantly go to the vehicle battery and look at the left terminal which has a little plastic protective cover, there should be nothing connected here other than the original VW wires.Yes would have preferred it on view but at least its there. Touch and feel tells me its the Sterling 30A. Will get the wife to push curtain back and shine phone torch in void so I can see it from outside the side window, but she's a bit busy at the mo! Thanks for help.