Evening all, I’ve just picked up a cheap set of caravelle front steps for my Kombi. I’m looking for the part numbers for the connector plugs and pins in order to wire them to the courtesy light circuit. Thanks in advance
Afraid there’s no part numbers for the crimp inserts as VW have stopped selling them, if you have a search for junior power timer you should be able to find what you need, the ones you need are 1.5mm often listed as 1.5K
Evening all, I’ve just picked up a cheap set of caravelle front steps for my Kombi. I’m looking for the part numbers for the connector plugs and pins in order to wire them to the courtesy light circuit. Thanks in advance
Hi I am converting from a kombi to a caravelle setup does anyone know if the sliding door step light wiring is the same as for the caravelle step light. I know the light is different
Hi everyone changing my kombi sliding door step to a caravelle Sliding door step. Is the wiring the same for the light or is it different. I know the light is different is the wiring to ?
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