Caddy Maxi H4 Headlights


Senior Member
T6 Guru
Now, most of us are aware how pitifully pathetic the H4 lights are as fitted to the Transporter. I have changed the bulbs in mine to Philips +130% and this has improved them up to a point, but still really need to be used along with the fog lights to get anywhere near acceptable performance.
Now, whilst my Transporter has been in at the dealer with my on-going Ad-blu issue, I have been given a 2018 Caddy maxi which also has the H4 lights fitted. I noticed when driving in to work on these dark mornings that the lights don't seem to be so painfully underpowered. On closer inspection, I noticed that the bulb is fully exposed on the Maxi lights rather than surrounded by the hood/shroud as per the Transporter set up.
Was wondering if anyone had managed to try out the Transporter lights with the shroud removed and what improvements, if any, were achieved?
I am unsure of any potential negative effects with dazzling or irregular beam pattern if shroud was removed, so would only personally give it a go if any changes were reversible.

Close up of Caddy exposed bulb.

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The problem is with the design of the reflectors, not the bulbs. God knows what would happen if you removed the shroud.