Battery, solar and charger setup improvement - suggestions please


Hi everyone

This is my current setup. I have a solar panel on the roof. Any suggestions as to what else I need? I'm not really sure what I'm doing! I would like some way of monitoring my battery and usage. I'm not sure what is out there but I'm keen to have as much info as possible as we don't have 240v hook up and will be reliant on the solar. I have an ablemail battery charger with a solar input. I have had it all 'unconnected' for about a year so no idea what state the battery is in for example. Do I need an isolator switch? I'm going to buy a double USB socket thing. Not keen to spend too much more money on it all...;)

have a peek over here:

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Wow. Very detailed - a little over my head. I like the sound of both the

QUICKLYNKS Battery Monitor BM2​

and also the

Victron Energy Smart Battery Monitor​

I have have an ablemail battery charger. I assume it is not compatible with the Victron product? I know Ablemail do their own version but don't think it has it's own screen (which I do like the idea of, rather than just having the phone app). The quicklynks is a lot cheaper!
you can use the Ablemail charger with the Victron Energy Smart Battery Monitor to monitor the power.

Then use the Victron APP and BM2 App to monitor everything.
Oh that’s good news. Thanks for helping me. Is it worth the extra money compared to quicklynks? It doesn’t have a screen and just the app I guess.
they both serve a different purpose.

The BM2 is long term voltage logger that will monitor the voltage of you 12v system. (via the APP) like this


the Victron Smart Shunt or BMV712 will show you the power draw or charge power. as well as a state of charge, so you can see whats draining or charging the 12v syste,

again via the APP,, (though the BMV712 does have a small screen, the APP is way more usefull)



i run both on my setups.

Ok. Thanks. I just want to know if the solar panel is working/how much it’s ‘pulling’ and an indication of how much battery I have left before the fridge conks out! I think the victron Is the better option for my needs?
The Victron bmv712 or smart shunt will do that.