

New Member
Hi I have a pop top T6, SWB, totally confused which awning rail to get. Some say multi rail onside, others just c channel in gutter, using existing holes ( don’t get how there’s room for that with roof hinges etc) others mention rain gutter needed etc etc.
could someone point me in the right direction please , don’t want something over kill. See some companies like “stitches” have 3 bits, others single long piece. Just want an affordable simple option.
lookz like must factory awnings and driveways use a Kador system. Dont know what a pole and clamp fitting is. As you can guess I’m a bit of a newbie
Thank you
Hello and welcome to the forum. There is loads of information on awning and attachment - just use the the search facility (top right of window) and put, say, "Awning" in the search box.

To summarise some of the info you are after:

Most awnings now incorporate an awning bead that allows you to attach to a C channel on the van - effectively you just slide the awning's beading into the channel. By using a Kador strip and a figure of 8 you make driveways a lot easier; the Kador strip is a piece of webbing with a beading strip on either side - you thread the Kador strip into the van's C channel and then use the figure of 8 (plastic piece with a C channel either side) to connect the Kador strip to the bead on your awning - when you want to drive away you just pull the Kador strip and/or figure of 8 out.

Pole and clamp is an older method of attachment - the awning would have a sleeve that you would slide the pole into and you then clamp the pole to the van's gutter or roof rack.
Your best bet is to ask what people with the same pop top as you do.
I doubt you can use the existing channels on the roof as they will be obscured with the roof down ?

Thanks Davenjo, but which rail is best, as mentioned many differ ones on the market.
have looked through the previous forums but still unsure.

Hello and welcome to the forum. There is loads of information on awning and attachment - just use the the search facility (top right of window) and put, say, "Awning" in the search box.

To summarise some of the info you are after:

Most awnings now incorporate an awning bead that allows you to attach to a C channel on the van - effectively you just slide the awning's beading into the channel. By using a Kador strip and a figure of 8 you make driveways a lot easier; the Kador strip is a piece of webbing with a beading strip on either side - you thread the Kador strip into the van's C channel and then use the figure of 8 (plastic piece with a C channel either side) to connect the Kador strip to the bead on your awning - when you want to drive away you just pull the Kador strip and/or figure of 8 out.

Pole and clamp is an older method of attachment - the awning would have a sleeve that you would slide the pole into and you then clamp the pole to the van's gutter or roof rack.