Anyone roofers here? Need an opinion.


Swiss member
T6 Guru
Hi all,

After an opinion from someone who knows what they are talking about.

Had some roof work done recently and found several damaged tiles afterwards. Roofing Co saying its where lichen has come off... im calling bullshit , I say rough handling.

do the tiles need to be replaced?

thoughts please??

Pics don't show all the damaged tiles, just a selection.










I’m not a roofer but that’s a BS excuse you’ve been given
not roofer by trade but used to help my dad line chimneys for years and not come across this. you can tell its fresh from the colour, defiantly BS they are spouting, lichen simply scrapes off and leaves a small stain not take a chunk of tile!!
Definitely looks like damage to me (not a roofer, but have worked in construction).

We had our house fascias and gutters renewed end of last year and the lower part of the roof was left in an atrocious condition, the detail of which I shalln’t go into here. Fortunately the scaffolding was left up longer than they needed so I spent about five days repairing the damage that they left.

Take care!
looks like they may be concrete tiles as opposed to clay? With either, if the frosts have got to them they may of deteriorated over time and scraping off any moss etc may remove small sections of tile too. Has the roof been pressure washed?What work did you have done to the roof? Judging from that the tiles don't need to be replaced immediately as long as your underfelt is ok, but now the face has gone in those small areas they may break down further with frost in time.
Lichen scrapes of easily and would not cause the damage you have show. My roof is covered in it on the rear elevation as it's North facing. It falls off all the time and the birds peck it off. The damage is fresh so it would suggest damage from the roofers.

Hope you get it sorted
Hi everyone and thanks for the replies, AFAIK its a form of clay tile but colour coated. I had an aluminium grid/mesh installed along the edge of the roof over the airgap to stop beech martens getting into the roof as we could hear one in there during the night - it was caught and relocated 45kms away, it weighed 2kgs and was 80 cm nose to tip and rather aggressive.
Please note that i am not in UK - UK doesn't have this problem.

Roof has not been washed since construction in 1994.

Roof construction here is prob different to the UK? - from outside to inside i have tiles, an airgap of about 8cm, fibreboard sheets that form an "inner roof", the insulation, then the finished house internal surface.

pics are of a beech Marten (commonly known as a Marder here) , the damage they can cause and the aluminium mesh that was installed.

marder roof.jpg


alu mesh.jpg