Air Freshener Damage . . . . !


T32 204 DSG LWB SLN PV MY18 & T30 SWB KMB MY67
VIP Member
T6 Master
Air freshener damage . . . . !

Look what this bl##dy magic tree has done to my dash panel..... seriously not happy..:mad:

On the up side.... they are my favourite tree....

Looks like it's back to hanging them up way from plastics and paint work.

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Watch out people !!!!!
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It's kinda melted the plastic.... as if it had a rubberised coating... (had the same thing on a BMW dash with rubberised coating)...
Didn't think this harder plastic would be effected!.

Looks like I'll be speaking with Pauly about a replacement at some point.... :notworthy:
It's kinda melted the plastic.... as if it had a rubberised coating... (had the same thing on a BMW dash with rubberised coating)...
Didn't think this harder plastic would be effected!.

Looks like I'll be speaking with Pauly about a replacement at some point.... :notworthy:
You should have bought the classic traffic light 80's fresherner that you were after:thumbsup:
You should have bought the classic traffic light 80's fresherner that you were after:thumbsup:


Funny you said that.... look what I just got...

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Don't get to excited.... they are from Poundland and Pants!!!

Oh well..... there is a BNIB 80's original traffic light one on Ebay for £60..... hmmm.

Let's see how many beers get sunk this evening..... I might have one next week. Lol.
That damage looks treely bad! You need to get to the root of the cause and see if you can twig what happened?
I would say someone has too much time on his hands with jokes like that, but then again i cant speak i'm busy buying illuminated coasters off another thread:laugh:
You could try some MEK cleaner on the plastic. Assuming it’s ABS plastic, MEK will melt the surface & allow you to smooth it back to shape. Worth a try if you’re going to change it anyway.