Additional Lumbar Support.

I am new to T6 ownership. After a slow non-stop drive from Bristol to Kings Lynn, I got my old sciatica pains back. Previously, I had a 2002 Transit with an inflating cushion in the drivers seat around the small of my back. That worked fine.
The T6 has an adjustable 'lumbar' support that is far too low (more of a bum adjustment!).
I plan to recline the seat, unclip the cover joint at the bottom and stuff a foam pad further up between the seat foam and seat cloth. Is this feasible?
A local motor upholstery said it couldn't be done.
My other thoughts are to see if I can move the useless existing adjustable support further up (!), or get some Simora fabric and have some suitable cushions made, or even cover a proprietary lumbar support with it.
I don't want to change the entire seat.
Any ideas (bar getting my old transit back) would be much appreciated.
Thanks. Andy.
Not sure if it can be retrofitted, but the electric lumbar support has height adjustment as well.
Sorted and fairly easy.
This is how it went:
Turn the lumbar support knob to 'minimum'.
Recline the seat back horizontal as far as it goes (so seat-out if there is a cabinet or bulkhead behind).
The front and back cloths are attached to each other with a 'strip clip'. Look at how it fits together with no strip showing. Take a photo for reassembly.
Prise the strips gently apart at one end with a wide flat screwdriver then 'unzip' it.
Lift up the front cover and insert the extra foam. I used soft foam 18mm thick from the bottom to the mid-seam full width, plus a 10mm piece full width but only running half way down.
Wind the seat back up while pushing the bottom plastic strip down in to the gap between the back and base.
Try it out, adding, moving or removing padding as needed.
Have a pint and feel smug....
When happy with the result, wind the seat-back forward as far as it will go.
Remove the clip-on panel across the back to get to the join.
Pull the front and back hook-strips together then fold the rear one forward so hidden by the cloth and try to hook it inside the front strip. You may have to push the lumbar adjustment cable out the way and it is a bit of a fiddle to get the rear strip in front of the metal lugs on the seat base sides. It can be done.
Have another pint and feel more smug......
Just a thought if you are getting sciatica pains, you don't keep your wallet in your arse pocket by any chance?
Just a thought if you are getting sciatica pains, you don't keep your wallet in your arse pocket by any chance?
That, and crap work boots (jumping down from a lorry all day) have me sciatica. I’m glad it’s gone now!

@Andy Short glad to hear that you sorted your seat out, especially after the upholsterer said it couldn’t be done o_O