150PS heavy oil usage


Slovak Member
Prajem všetkým pekný večer. Chcel by som sa opýtať na veľké množstvo oleja, ktoré spotrebuje môj Multivan T6. Nedávno som si kúpil svoj prvý Multivan T6, rok 2015, 110kw150ps, za takmer 27 000 eur od súkromného predajcu v Nemecku, nenajazdil som ani 5000 km a spotreboval už 2,5 litra motorového oleja, neviete čo. problém môže byť, olej nikde nekvapká, ani netuším kam vyteká, viete mi prosím poradiť
Ahoj a Vitaj. Asi najlepšie je písať v angličtine, keďže málokto vie po slovensky (vrátane mňa :))
I wish everyone a nice evening. I would like to ask about the large amount of oil that the Multivan T6 consumes. I recently bought my first Multivan T6, year 2015, 110kw150ps, almost 27,000 euros from a private seller in Germany, I haven't even driven 5000 km and already used 2.5 liters of engine oil, you don't know what. there may be a problem, the oil is not dripping anywhere, I have no idea where it is leaking, can you please advise me
I wish everyone a nice evening. I would like to ask about the large amount of oil that the Multivan T6 consumes. I recently bought my first Multivan T6, year 2015, 110kw150ps, almost 27,000 euros from a private seller in Germany, I haven't even driven 5000 km and already used 2.5 liters of engine oil, you don't know what. there may be a problem, the oil is not dripping anywhere, I have no idea where it is leaking, can you please advise me

If you are sure that the oil is not dripping from the engine then it must be being burned by the engine.
Using 2.5 litres of oil in 5000KM seems excessive to me.
I would ask a garage to carry out a compression test and I would also consider an analysis of the engine oil.
Both of these may indicate the condition of the engine.
How many miles / Km has the van done?
Ak ste si istí, že olej z motora nekvapká, musí byť spaľovaný motorom.
Použiť 2,5 litra oleja na 5000 km sa mi zdá prehnané.
Poprosil by som servis o vykonanie kompresnej skúšky a zvážil by som aj rozbor motorového oleja.
Obe môžu naznačovať stav motora.
Koľko míľ / km má dod
Have you tried to get a compression test and oil analysis as suggested before?
