Wiring up travelvolts consumer unit


Senior Member
T6 Guru
just a quick question to confirm my thoughts as the instructions supplied dont match the layout of the supplied CU

Does my pro drawing look right? i know earths are missing


Hmmm... traditionally supply side contacts are marked 1, 3, 5, 7 and load side respectively 2, 4, 6, 8.
so i was led to believe but it also seems that the rcd will either way round?
Yes it does. However, there might be other aspects why manufacturer has certified use of their device only certain way, or just simply regulated by the stamped IEC61008-1 standard. E.g. in this one the protective circuitry + test button are de-energized when the RCD is switched off (e.g. if used as a switch). Another factor could have been that circuit's capability to disconnect (at the extreme case when everything has gone wrong) might depend on which way it is connected.
When manufacturer has specified that a unit can be used both ways I have noticed that markings 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8 on supply side and respectively 2/1, 4/3, 6/5, 8/7 on load side have been used.

Anyways, here's some general information about RCD's just to complement our forum's data pond: www.beama.org.uk/asset/7EE14AAB-81DB-4870-A9ACFBC5C58A94A2/