Voice Control Of Internal Electrics

Pete C

Senior Member
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T6 Legend
Has anyone implemented voice control of the internal electrical items in their campervan/day van ?

A passing comment from my wife about turning one of the internal lights off got me thinking, and I feel a potential project coming on :) hence the question.

Yes & No....

I've got the bits, but not installed it functionally yet.

I've got a SIM based MIFI in the van that creates a wifi bubble when ignition is on.

I also have a google home hub mini in the van, again on ignition feed.

I also have some SONOFF 12v/usb wifi relay modules that will sit in the network.

The idea is that you can ask Google to activate various things in the van.......... so far all I'm thinking about is switching lights and that, but moving forward we need more insperation.
Sounds very similar to what I envisaged Dell. I have a spare Amazon Echo at home, so was thinking about using that. Any reason why you picked Google ?

Yes, I think it's better than Alexa and Siri lol.

Plus I run Andoid phones so it's all seamless =]

Just personal preference obviously....but I believe google is the personal assistant.

Thought you could also use Alexa or Siri devices to the same end goal.