U1019 Oil sensor location help!


New Member
Firstly I'll apologise if this has been answered before, I've hunted through the forum but I don't think I can find answers that enable me to figure it out. Now that might be just because I'm being a bit thick today!

My 2019 2.0 TDi, engine code CXGB, had been suffering flashing coil light and reduced engine power (now stopped) and then moved on to missing oil level/temperature sensor signal warning in the MFD. That's now coupled to U1091. I want to check the wiring to the sensor and if necessary change it but first off I need to locate the damn thing! Can anyone point me to a diagram that shows where it is located on the engine? I've found various diagrams but some refer to low pressure oil switch, some to oil sensor etc. but I'm not sure exactly which one is linked to the U1019 code.

Many Thanks for any help.
It's the sensor mounted on the bottom of the sump. Follow the wiring too and check that as it can get damaged.

Especially by pesky wabbits eh, @Texxaco
I would start untangling the issue by doing some more diagnostics before crawling under the van.

1) To be precise -
U1019 00 [035] - Missing Signal for Oil Level/Temperature - [Instrument cluster control module - Missing signal oil level/temperature]​
According to the code it's the Instrument cluster missing the signal, not (necessarily) the engine itself (where the sensor actually connects)​

2) To verify the sensor itself is well and alive -
The sensor can be read directly via engine controller - the following should/could be checked for plausibility​
Oil temperature - for plausible values and for a change as engine warms​
Oil level - at standstill, and for a slight change when engine is started​
Oil level signal heartbeat - see more here:​
If no meaningful data can be read, then it's certainly is wiring/sensor issue.​
3) However, if the sensor seems to be well and alive then need to verify if VW TPI (Technical Product Information) No.: 2047638/3, Release date 21-Dec-2022 is applicable to the engine. This was grabbed against mine (MY18) and probably covers all T6 engines (at least) till October-2019 (update availability date).


Anyways, if everything else fails, the resolution is a engine software update - for obvious intermodule communications.
Found a cut harness! Now fixed and U1019 has gone… the original oil pressure switch DTC has come back though AARRGGHH!!!

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