T6 Kombi coming soon


T6 Guru
Hi all,

I've been on here for a little while learning as much as I can.

I've bought a 9 month old T6 Kombi 140 Highline and will be collecting it (her?) sometime over the next few days. Longer term plans are for a camper conversion which may be evidence that I'm having a mid life crisis....

Hopefully, here is a picture....

Hi @DJIT. I did the same and got an ex demo from the dealer. Glad I did too based upon the waits that a number of folk on here are reporting.
Welcome buddy, nice looking van ;):thumbsup: Camper conversions rule... plenty of people on here to help you out with any sort of questions you might have
It's settling in at home now. Getting used to looking outside and seeing it there.
No more pictures yet as nothing really changed - just waiting for the next steps in the journey.
I'm just getting into the job of converting a LWB Highline 140 Kombi, mine was a 'pre-reg' from a Van Centre at the beginning of November.

I've had the rear windows added by Van Window Specialists although I had to go to a local Van Centre to get the correct tint to match the others. The conversion will be along classic side kitchen lines with a Reimo 333 bed and Reimo high roof. It's my fifth conversion over the past twelve years so many of the pitfalls have already been encountered.

We've decided on most aspects of the conversion, but still considering one or two.
One that's still not 100% is whether to add in the rear windows to the Kombi. Seems the beneftis are the extra light and the fact it looks less like a van, the plusses are less cost, more insulation and the ability to add some kind of storage to the walls.
Try and sit in one with and without the far rear windows. We had them fitted (although drivers side is a dummy because of the 'wardrobe'). I think it looks better from the outside and feels much less clostrophobic on the inside.
Thanks both.
We rented a full conversion that had rear windows - although as you say drivers side was blocked by the wardrobe.
Currently my thinking is to go with them and they're in the budget.
Thanks both.
We rented a full conversion that had rear windows - although as you say drivers side was blocked by the wardrobe.
Currently my thinking is to go with them and they're in the budget.

IMO a huge advantage of a VW Transporter style van as a camper over any motorhome or similar is a huge amount of natural light you get; Kombi rear ends block out loads of this light and just feel a bit too "van like."
I'd get the windows without any doubt.