Will they be available soon? Not seen them in the shop yet.
I'd heard that @StudleyGlass won't appear until the 2019 calendarFrom what I read Mr @StudleyGlass you'll be finding the picture of your van in prime place, full page spread, on the 13th month of the calendar, cos it seems that's roughly how long it took for you to finally get your hands on it.
From what I read Mr @StudleyGlass you'll be finding the picture of your van in prime place, full page spread, on the 13th month of the calendar, cos it seems that's roughly how long it took for you to finally get your hands on it.
I'd heard that @StudleyGlass won't appear until the 2019 calendar
@StudleyGlass Since I am 6' 5", and 13stonne, does that make @HHO the short round one then?Thanks cannon and ball
@StudleyGlass Since I am 6' 5", and 13stonne, does that make @HHO the short round one then?
I hadn't realised how close you are @Pauly !2017 Calendars are in the new forum shop
VW T6 2017 A4 Wall Mounted Calendar
It's all vw's fault they kept our vans back so we couldn't get on the calendar .Favoritism thats what it is