T6 barndoor opening


Hi all, 2017 professional conversion, with barndoors which won't open from inside. Manual states there are childlocks but can't see any.
Do all models open from inside? Are there childlocks hidden away somewhere? Open fine from outside and lock/unlock works fine too.
When you open the left door the child lock is in the jam on the bit facing you. Black plastic with an on/off slotted keyway
No sign of childlock BUT.....just had a go and now the inside handle is working....mibbe loose connection or something.
Is your barn door carpeted on the inside ?

When we carpeted ours, with a slightly thicker panel than the original, we found the surround that the opening handle sits within was a really tight fit to put back in place. This may affect the operation of the opening handle.

Is your barn door carpeted on the inside ?

When we carpeted ours, with a slightly thicker panel than the original, we found the surround that the opening handle sits within was a really tight fit to put back in place. This may affect the operation of the opening handle.

Yes, carpeted. Wouldn't open this pm but working just now