T6.1 Tyre pressure warning [Resolved]


T6 Pro
We are constantly getting tyre pressure warnings on our T6.1 transporter (its really a van t it). We didn’t pay for the TPS system so we assume that ours is based on the rolling circumference of the tyres.

Now a bit of background, I have been through the forum and checked various things.
  1. Tyre pressure checked and set weekly - shouldn’t be affected by the cold as it’s being done so often (it’s not like I did it in the heat wave last year)
  2. We don’t believe it’s down to bumps of excitable driving
    1. It does it on bumpy roads
    2. it does it on flat roads
    3. its normally loaded with 2 power wheelchairs worth over £10k each so we drive like Miss Daisy, slow and steady all the time as we need our wheelchairs unfamaged
  3. Each time I check the type pressure they are exactly where is set them at 52psi
  4. I should add that I always do them from cold.
Any help would be appreciated.
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When you say the pressures are checked and set, you mean you have checked them with a gauge, and then set them via the button/menu item in the van so it learns what they should be at?

Only thing I can think is a faulty abs sensor? But I would have expected other warnings if that was an issue.
When you say the pressures are checked and set, you mean you have checked them with a gauge, and then set them via the button/menu item in the van so it learns what they should be at?

Only thing I can think is a faulty abs sensor? But I would have expected other warnings if that was an issue.
Yes you are spot on. Every time I remove a dust cap and check a pressure, even if I haven’t put any air in I set the pressure via the head unit again.
What is the weight code on your tyres? 102,103, 106 etc. as 52 seems a bit high.
What is the weight code on your tyres? 102,103, 106 etc. as 52 seems a bit high.
This is the correct pressure for heavily loaded as per the sticker insider the drivers door. It has Continental VanContact Eco 215/60 17T (109/107) tyres so well within specs. Appreciate your concern though. :cool:
What are your tread depths? Even wear around each corner of the vehicle..?
Hi all only a small challenge sure the forum can help
2021 t6.1 transporter just had fitted new 18” wheels and tyres in place of my Clayton’s
Now I have the tyre warning light come on the dash
I know I need to reset the tyre type and also re set the tyre pressure
But it doesn’t want to and I don’t see a set button on my radio screen
I don’t see any pressure readings and so not sure what’s next
Do I need to travel further with my new wheels before it registered?
Any help would be welcome cheers IMG_2313.jpegIMG_2312.jpeg
That looks like direct tpms which means you have pressure sensors incorporated into the valves, Did you swap the TPMS valves out of the old wheels and put them in the new wheels ?
If not there will be nothing reading the pressures and you will be stuck with the error
That looks like direct tpms which means you have pressure sensors incorporated into the valves, Did you swap the TPMS valves out of the old wheels and put them in the new wheels ?
If not there will be nothing reading the pressures and you will be stuck with the error
Thanks pauly I had my new wheels fitted and swooped over ? I have my old wheels still is there anyway I can tell pls ?
That looks like direct tpms which means you have pressure sensors incorporated into the valves, Did you swap the TPMS valves out of the old wheels and put them in the new wheels ?
If not there will be nothing reading the pressures and you will be stuck with the error
cheers no they didn’t swop them over by the looks of things
Do you know how much new sensors values are or the part number so I can get some orders maybe and fitted
I have asked the garage that swooped they to find out as well
New ones from vw are £200-300 a set so either swap the originals or if you are keeping two sets of wheels (for winters etc) then you can get aftermarket sets online a lot cheaper
New ones from vw are £200-300 a set so either swap the originals or if you are keeping two sets of wheels (for winters etc) then you can get aftermarket sets online a lot cheaper
Thanks again I have a t6.1 2021
I must ask have you got any links to after market type ? I have read a few horror stories on the forum trying to buy them and not working and other talk about Germany being the place ?
Thanks again
@BRABUS did you get this sorted?? My 6.1 has started doing the same thing. Thanks Alan

@Alster yes we did get it sorted but not how you would expec. We had a separate issue with something an aftermarket electric handbrake (Motability vehicle) on the vehicle that meant that the RAC came out, disconnected the battery for 10 minutes and also touched the positive and negative wires together and rebooted the handbrake (and also the car in effect) and also drained all current out of the system. After this we had no more issues with the tyre pressures.

Very odd but might be worth you trying it.
Thanks @BRABUS It seems to have settled down now but if I have any more issues I’ll give it a go