Surfboard I'd..


VIP Member
T6 Pro
Just acquired this surfboard and was contemplating sticking it on my man cave wall probably cutting a shark bite out of it.. My question is.. Is it too good for that and would it be worth selling on..



Just Google “Nigel Semmens surfboards” and decide if you’d rather hack it about!!!
Haha see what you mean, just noticed the dimensions of the board and the guys name printed.. Being in the hot bed of surfing Bolton I think I may sell it, any surfers on here give me a guide ?


Nigel Semmens is a UK board shaper who's made thousands of boards over the past few decades

That looks like a fairly standard 6ft 6in thruster, nothing special and probably one of thousands like it. Worth 100-150 quid if eBay/used board prices are nything to go by.

I wouldn't be fussed cutting it up, it's not a super rare vintage board - if it was a twin fin then maybe. Triple fin (aka "thruster") are the most common board type.

Oh and that Rip Curl logo puts it firmly in the 80's

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Given that it is signed etc, just stick it on your man-cave wall and watch the value go up as the years pass.