Solar Controller Over Voltage?


T6 Guru
We are away for our first proper holiday and noticed the battery voltage on the leisure battery was only showing 12.3-12.6v with the solar panel in sun. The controller led is off which the manual says indicates overcharge but doesn't explain what this means or what to do about it.

Any help gratefully received. Thanks
What panel do you have and what charge controller do you have
May be worth checking the specs on each to make sure they match and that the max V the panel produces does not exceed the max accepted by the controller ?
Thanks Paul but from what i can find, the panel is max 30v and controller can accept 50v?
It's a midsummer 150w Flexi panel and Ep 10a controller.
It’s not clear what controller you have but if it’s this one

EP Solar 10a charge controller with USB output

Then it doesn’t look like its rated for your solar panel.

When you’ve got some bright sunlight, try progressively covering the panel with a sheet or something. It might just kick into life if you can reduce the output to a level the controller can cope with.
Similar thoughts to @Dilbert here.
Knowing where your conversion was done I'd just check all fuses and terminations. Possibly easier said than done if yours is in the same place as mine.
I recently had an issue caused by poor electrical work, trying to ram 2 thick gauge wires into one incorrectly sized crimp and they subsequently fell out. Not obvious until I wiggled them.
Fortunately I installing all the electrics myself. I ensured I learnt from others and used best practices. I also had easy access and maintenance in mind. Fingers crossed :)
Start by throwing a thick blanket over the panel, then measure the battery connections on the controller terminal screws - dont disconnect anything at this stage, just poke the meter probes onto the screw heads. My guess is you'll see nothing, indicating a blown battery fuse or disconnected battery wiring


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Thanks all for the advice, it is the bottom controller shown in the last picture. It seems to be reset this morning so not sure what is happening. I'll get on the voltmeter when I get home.
Slightly off topic....but I would recommend you get an MPPT solar controller at some stage. You will get much better yield from the panel you have and much better battery management than simple PWM devices. :thumbsup:
@Sjacko Did you get this problem sorted?
Never really got to the bottom of it. It seemed to work ok after it reset, i tested it with a voltmeter and all volt meter readings were good. However I have taken the plunge and fitted a Victron mppt controller today to hopefully get the best out of the panel and it has the in built Bluetooth so I can monitor what’s happening.