So, I guess I should say hello!


VIP Member
Hi All,

I have a 204 Ocean 4-motion in Indium grey. Got it at the end of October but due to working abroad have only done 700 miles and not stayed in it yet! Hopefully to be rectified tomorrow with a bit of 'test-camping'!

Hello all!

Ah good, more for the Cali corner, welcome.
Welcome to you newcomers to the T6 Forum. I wish you many happy miles behind and no potholes ahead in your ride on the Forum and on the roads that you travel ! :mexican wave:
Nice one! Any nice trips in it?

Few says in Scotland, in the boarders, Northumberland for a couple of days, North Yorkshire probably 5 days. Camping for 14 days or so from 2 months ownership. Trying to get away two weekends every month, maybe even 3 weekends. On call duties mean it has to be 3 out of 4 :(
Few says in Scotland, in the boarders, Northumberland for a couple of days, North Yorkshire probably 5 days. Camping for 14 days or so from 2 months ownership. Trying to get away two weekends every month, maybe even 3 weekends. On call duties mean it has to be 3 out of 4 :(
Even so, 3 out of 4 sounds bloody marvellous to me.
Few says in Scotland, in the boarders, Northumberland for a couple of days, North Yorkshire probably 5 days. Camping for 14 days or so from 2 months ownership. Trying to get away two weekends every month, maybe even 3 weekends. On call duties mean it has to be 3 out of 4 :(
Know the problem, we try to get to our caravan every couple of weeks, never works out though :unsure: