Had a few days when the passenger side sliding door would not open (on the handle) as if it was still okced (rest of the van was unlocked). Now the handle opens the door but the door does not lock when the rest of the van is locked. When shut the door indicates shut on the MFD and if you open it without unlocking the van the alarm goes off. So I think the electrics is working OK. So options -
1. Take it to VW and see if it is covered under the 2 year warranty if bought?
2. Open and lubricate as discussed on other threads?
I bought a door card with storage pockets for this side so need to take the carpeted panel off anyway. And the VW dealer is 15 miles away and likely to have the van for a day. So do you think I am best to try 2. first?
1. Take it to VW and see if it is covered under the 2 year warranty if bought?
2. Open and lubricate as discussed on other threads?
I bought a door card with storage pockets for this side so need to take the carpeted panel off anyway. And the VW dealer is 15 miles away and likely to have the van for a day. So do you think I am best to try 2. first?