Sat Nav Cocked Up. Help


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T6 Guru
Tried updating the nav on SD card with discovercare but at 90% it said there was an error on the card and it failed. Nav now doesn't work obviously.

Anyone got any decent suggestions for a fix?
Discovercare automatically does a card backup before updating so don’t worry the original data is in the backup file on your PC.
I would format the SD card to completely clear it and then run the process again.
If that doesn’t work then post here again.
What he said above....... ^^^^^^^^

moving forwards Get a second SD card so you can always have a spare/backup Navi Card.
What he said above....... ^^^^^^^^

moving forwards Get a second SD card so you can always have a spare/backup Navi Card.
I’m afraid a standard SD card will not work with the T6 media, it has to be a VW card as they put some hidden files on it to prevent piracy.
It will look the same if you clone it..
I tried and failed, I guess VW have some pretty decent hidden files locked away on the card somewhere. The last thing they want is a 65 card bring copied and flogged on eBay for 10.
Or perhaps my cloning software wasn’t man enough?
I tried and failed, I guess VW have some pretty decent hidden files locked away on the card somewhere. The last thing they want is a 65 card bring copied and flogged on eBay for 10.
Or perhaps my cloning software wasn’t man enough?
You need a low level block copy clone so that the disk is a bit copy of the original, it will then be a copy.
One way to do this is to make am iso of the original and then "burn" the iso to a new card, that will blow away the new disk and re-image it as a copy. On a PC try using "Rufus" it support most disk types.
You need a low level block copy clone so that the disk is a bit copy of the original, it will then be a copy.
One way to do this is to make am iso of the original and then "burn" the iso to a new card, that will blow away the new disk and re-image it as a copy. On a PC try using "Rufus" it support most disk types.
It would be nice if it worked, but I doubt it will. Some very clever people have tried to clone cards for marine chart plotters & failed. There's a "hard" serial number burned into the card at manufacture, the satnav/chart plotter does a checksum check before it will load the charts/maps, if the checksum fails, it spits the card out.
i must say i tried a normal copy/paste on the pc and it didnt work...

havent tried the block level copy yet.. seems the OEM card is a 16Gb SD

ill have to get a second 16Gb card and give it a go just for giggles.

having a HARD CODE burnt into the OEM card is a possibility to stop cloning.
@Loz is a techno wizard I think he should try it out for us so we know for sure one way or the other !!
tried several times and it always fails at the same point, formatted the card and copy and pasted a backup up it to get me working again. ill stick with my tomtom
It would be nice if it worked, but I doubt it will. Some very clever people have tried to clone cards for marine chart plotters & failed. There's a "hard" serial number burned into the card at manufacture, the satnav/chart plotter does a checksum check before it will load the charts/maps, if the checksum fails, it spits the card out.
Even if that is the case (and I am not doubting you as TomTom do this with a custom CID) if you make an iso of the original card before you upgrade it you can put it back as it was..
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tried several times and it always fails at the same point, formatted the card and copy and pasted a backup up it to get me working again. ill stick with my tomtom
I did the exact same thing. So I popped into my local dealer and told them my sat nav had stopped working. They checked it and gave me a brand new card under warranty. The new card also had the new update.