Rust on sliding door channels


New Member
Hi all,

I am the new owner of a 2019 T6 and I have noticed that a lot of rust has formed in the sliding door channels (see picture). It also makes the door open rather rough. I did not notice this when buying the van, nor did I expect it after 5 years.

Now I have been searching on this forum and on the internet and have not found any conclusive answer as to the best way to approach this. What I have been able to conclude so far is that I should probably order a new set of rollers, get the door off the frame and wash off the worst with water and soap. Take the rubbers off the door, dry out the channel and treat rust with Ranex Rustbuster. Rinse and repeat after 30-60 min if necessary.

Now I still have the following questions (because I would prefer not to ruin my 'new' van):
1. Is the above approach indeed correct? I have only found it on one source.
2. If so, what would be the next step? Is there any follow up treatment needed after Ranex treatment and rinse? Or just replace rollers and put the door back in?
WhatsApp Image 2024-03-30 at 8.53.15 PM (1).jpegWhatsApp Image 2024-03-30 at 8.53.15 PM.jpeg
Your thoughts are very much appreciated!


Can't help with advice of treating it as is but once you have it sorted there is a thread here of various ways to stop water sitting in that void:

Thanks - I'm going to try it with WD-40 and a rough sponge this week and see if it helps. After that I'll try to follow the above to make sure it stays clean and free of water ;)