Rear Barn Door Stay Covers


T6 Guru
Weird one this...
Just fully opened both rear doorsfor the first time by pressing the plastic stay cover clip..
They both fell off ..
then the stay on one of the doors would not connect back up !!!!

Both plastic covers now appear to be broken :(

Is this a common problem?
Thanks nick
I had this happen today. My T6 is 18 months old now. Im having service soon so will leave it with dealer.
I had this happen today. My T6 is 18 months old now. Im having service soon so will leave it with dealer.
Hope your techs are not as unthoughtfull as mine !
Got them replaced under warrenty, now got a case with customer care on the go regarding inflicted damage to paintwork and mirror casing . During the so called 75miles of road testing that was undertaken
This happened to my T5.1, bit of a crap design that was carried over to the T6 apparently