Please Brake / Take A Break


French member
I've been driving on the highway today and a message appeared followed by the same ring that sounds when the out of gas light turns on. The message was "PLEASE --- BRAKE". No other lights or issues that I noticed. The message was there for about 5 seconds. This happened again on the same journey. The message goes away if I brake or not, does not make a difference. Any ideas what this is?
That’s exactly what I was thinking! Hopefully someone more knowledgeable than me will pop along shortly!

(My radar is intermittent in its behaviour - sometimes a warning message on the screen but today I had a warning beep as well.)
No, the warning is more like a proximity warning. I don’t tailgate!

For example, today I was in a single lane that split into two lanes at a set of traffic lights. As I approached to go alongside a car the warning beep went off. I would think that if I had approached more slowly there wouldn’t have been an alarm.

So, the radar is a combination of speed and proximity before warning

Edit: proximity warning in chevrons
Whatever the cause, I can't imagine how this sort of message helps.
If you are bearing down on the car in front which has stopped unexpectedly, the last thing you need is a message on the dashboard to distract you.
Whatever the cause, I can't imagine how this sort of message helps.
If you are bearing down on the car in front which has stopped unexpectedly, the last thing you need is a message on the dashboard to distract you.
Couldn't agree more. I'll connect the tester tomorrow and see if there is anything stored...
Take a break?.

With a coffee cup pic?

After about 2hrs driving?

Thats the driver warning system.....
Ah, Of course! :slow rofl:
Yes, I've seen that on mine after a long period of driving.
The OP spelled it "brake" which of course is different, hopefully he will clarify!
As above, did it say “brake” or “break” (and why is a French vehicle displaying English words ?)

Take a break?.

With a coffee cup pic?

After about 2hrs driving?

Thats the driver warning system.....
Great, thanks guys. I need to learn how to spell I guess. My basic MFD did not help either. Did not say "Take a break" but first showed "Please" and after "Break"...
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