Hello all
Quick question for all you people in the know of anything van electricals!
Planning on installing a dash cam with hard wire kit at the weekend into my T6.1
Confident running the cable round the screen and removing a pillar and to hide cable etc, pretty confident I know where easiest earth point is thanks to the members area diagrams as well…however
My questions are all to do with the fuse board!
As you can see from the pictures I already have a piggy back fuse for some additional LED lighting that was installed in the back of the van by the dealer before I took delivery a couple of years ago.
1) Is this piggy back fuse the right way round? I was led to believe that the red wire should go upwards?
2) If I cannot use one of the spaces as this piggy back is in the way can I use one of the ‘spare’ spaces on the switched live row in the blue box where the green arrow is pointing?
Any help or guidance will be much appreciated as always!

Quick question for all you people in the know of anything van electricals!
Planning on installing a dash cam with hard wire kit at the weekend into my T6.1
Confident running the cable round the screen and removing a pillar and to hide cable etc, pretty confident I know where easiest earth point is thanks to the members area diagrams as well…however
My questions are all to do with the fuse board!
As you can see from the pictures I already have a piggy back fuse for some additional LED lighting that was installed in the back of the van by the dealer before I took delivery a couple of years ago.
1) Is this piggy back fuse the right way round? I was led to believe that the red wire should go upwards?
2) If I cannot use one of the spaces as this piggy back is in the way can I use one of the ‘spare’ spaces on the switched live row in the blue box where the green arrow is pointing?
Any help or guidance will be much appreciated as always!