Just another vile example of a faceless company with owners in a different country that give zero f@%ks about the long term loyalty of their staff and more proof that workers in many of these businesses are just a number that can be swiped off the board at the click of a button and replaced with cheaper labour to 'apparently' cut costs, thus saving the business, which is total crap because their parent company paid out £250 million in dividends, whist at the same time held their hands out to the British public and received £10 million pounds in furlough money, as did hundreds of other companies. Some deserving, some definitely not, but who cares, it's only public money and the government throw it around like confetti.
This isn't new and it won't be the last time we see this kind of heartless firing and re-hiring until someone in this country grows a pair and slams the door on these kind of practices. Alas, it will be old news by next month, when the next scandal or disaster is more appealing to the press.
As for the growing trend for people to start off movements to shun these companies for one reason or another, sadly we live in a society where price talks and the general public will opt for the cheaper route almost every time, conveniently forgetting these stories and the lives these companies have turned upside down on a Zoom call by an expressionless company man in a suit, reading a pre-written script, pretending to care, whist insisting these poor people sign away their lives and rights by the end of the month or they get nothing basically. I'm surprised he didn't have the terms and conditions speeding across the bottom of the screen at a pace that makes it unreadable like in the adverts.
It would have been less painful to do it by text message or email.
Rant over.