Light feed from window switch


IT Support
T6 Guru

Which wires are the lighting feed in door switch?

Just wiring my door cards having now got the connectors ! One pic driver side and other is passenger.

Brown -ve, grey/blue +ve :thumbsup:
Where did you get your connectors from? Are you planning to put them between the factory wiring and the window switches so you don’t touch the wiring harness?
The connectors for the ambient light sockets came from the dealer. The connectors I am holding are the ones from the light switchers. Rather than cutting or damaging the harness, I used some positap connectors to tap onto the wires. I did it close to the switch connector, so I could finish the wiring with the door card in place and the wire poking through the electric window switch hole.
Lets see some pic's of the door cards lit up then :p