Led fog lights - Travelin-lite

How do you fit these, is it just a simple case of pulling at the lower grill or behind the wheel arches, Transporter has just arrived cant wait to start modding.
Prise off the cover in the wheel arch.
Nice one was mine too, followed by some other stuff off Travelin-lite
Yes led everything, I can’t remember if it’s already got you would have thought so being it’s got led front and rear lights... or do vw not think that part! Carpet and insulate the rear so I can roll about in the back!
... you will not be one of those who keep the fog lights on even with the sun to show others that you have led lights? ..... noooooo
the fog lights are better than yellow ..., remember the headlights of the rally car?
Haha. Just wanted to check before I purchased. Currently looks rubbish with the LEDs and standard yellow cornering fogs.

Can anyone confirm that they do dim etc?
Yes they do dim, same as the oem incandescent lamps :thumbsup: