Hooking up a 12v battery to roof vent.


New Member
Hi I'm hoping someone can help me with this. I've got a Flettner vent on my t6. Is there a way to hook it up to charge a 12v battery? Any help, suggestions or advice would be much appreciated.
Hi I'm hoping someone can help me with this. I've got a Flettner vent on my t6. Is there a way to hook it up to charge a 12v battery? Any help, suggestions or advice would be much appreciated.
How can a roof vent charge a battery?
Good thinking.... but would need a form of a winding / magneto / Dynamo to generate the power and a large fan blade to drive it as it would be fighting a magnetic field to generate the power.
Even a 5th wheel against the Road would cause van engine resistance raising fuel consumption or a 2nd alternator
you already have a alternator to use for charging
a push bike dynamo even has a resistance to drive the little wheel against the bike Tyre

there's even already high speed drive shafts in cars / vans spinning would make a good power take off points
but at a cost...

you don't get anything for nothing it needs physical energy from somewhere

we need to sit down with a few beers and a fire pit to discuss this one lol

  • Output Voltage: 0.01V~5.5 V would need a bit bigger than this
Good thinking.... but would need a form of a winding / magneto / Dynamo to generate the power and a large fan blade to drive it as it would be fighting a magnetic field to generate the power.
Even a 5th wheel against the Road would cause van engine resistance raising fuel consumption or a 2nd alternator
you already have a alternator to use for charging
a push bike dynamo even has a resistance to drive the little wheel against the bike Tyre

there's even already high speed drive shafts in cars / vans spinning would make a good power take off points
but at a cost...

you don't get anything for nothing it needs physical energy from somewhere

we need to sit down with a few beers and a fire pit to discuss this one lol
A few beers and the fire pit is always a good idea! It's just something thats been bugging me for a while. It goes like the clappers and I'm using a roof box so a solar panel is probably not an option. Cheers for the ideas though I'll do some more investigating