Hi from Yorkshire


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T6 Guru
Hi everyone. Currently waiting for some insurance money then looking for a LWB Shuttle. Lots of kids so needs must however planning mods to keep Daddy happy
Hi Every one im a new member of the T6 transporter owners club
I've been hankering after a new transporter Kombi for years
and finaly I've made the grade
im out in the open no more hideing behind my TOYOTA HILUX lol :)

so just bagged me a super nice demonstrator swb T32-102-bmt Highline Factory Kombi TDI
in Deep Pearl Black
So i traveled over 200 miles to buy it from Swindon VW why i hear you ask ??
i went too sheffield which is nearest too me 25 miles away but no joy weren't interested in private sale
i guess RAC had ordered 100+ New ones lol :)
they had used vans but with 15-25,000 miles on 1 year old ???

so i made the trip too Swindon after talking and getting info from dealer
we saw the Kombi and me and wife fell in love with it
it still had that new car smell you can never get back from new or from a aerosol
we got such a good deal we bought it there and then after my favoite hobby of haggling the dealer to death
he gave in willingly and we got a 5 month old mint 67 plate Kombi with only 600 miles on it
then the SNOW came and my new toy was snowed in for over a week so i could not collect her
but last week i made the 420 mile round trip too collect my new baby
and the drive home was beautiful and easy even through im disabled i managed the drive home
and wish i had done it years ago
so looking forward too many years of VW motoring this EURO6 Transporter T32 102 is ok for us
not the powerful toy in the VW toy box but very nice drive with power too spare
with good economy so far just tipped 1200 mles from new at mo
thanks for great welcome to your forum site looking forward too reading up on many issues and stories thanks Royboy xx

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hi many thanks please bear with me im not into all this forum stuff so i will try too keep MISTAKES too a minimum lol :)
i like too read stuff more then post i only post if i need help or info mainly
but will try too be bigger part
yes Kombi looks stunning in the BLACK
we had 3 colour choices Black - electric blue we call it -then the blackberry is a super colour too and then the M-beige - or gold as we call it
that colour is stunning in the sunshine as well who in the right mind would name it whaterver the name is ---something M - beige
make any wonder we dont see many so all are super colours and
yes we have been converted to new DUBBERS for life funny how in such short time it takes over you the VW SYDROME its ace :)
thank you too all the VW TRANSPORTER WAVERS I've recived on driveing around
and high five guys & gals to all you vw fans what ever you drive thanks for letting me in your world im no young whipper snapper
and been disabled by my body age and hard graft !!!!
but my brain was well protected and is as giddy as a kid at christmas with this new VW KOMBI
Thanks again Royboy
You will get good fuel economy with that model Royboy :)
hi yes she is doing good mpg around 45 ish we love it I've noticed a big increase in T6 vans & kombi & campers
we where out last weekend saturday and counted 36 in a 2.5hr drive too sheffield and back home
looks like there the must have accessory for 2018 and so they should be there amazing machines
hi yes i agree i cant stop looking at mine the same way you maybe see yours they look good from any angle
they are time less shape the new collectable for the future just like the orignals
some folk just see a van but they are not fully connected to the machine and dont see what we see
a beautiful machine like your vw its super nice super shiny you look after very well thanks royboy