Off to Grafham next weekend for the Beer Festival. Grafham has a lovely little Community pub and shop. We have been going to go to the beer festival for 3 years now: which was cancelled due to Covid. Never mind last year we booked a pitch for next weekend ( 9th July ) so all good.
Grafham is a lovely quiet little site: it has an unusual guest a large ( and I mean large ) horned eared owl which was left here by the US Airforce when they closed a local airbase. The owl is looked after by the site staff.
anyway, just discovered today that the beer festival is this weekend and not next weekend- ho hum. There is always next year.
Grafham is a lovely quiet little site: it has an unusual guest a large ( and I mean large ) horned eared owl which was left here by the US Airforce when they closed a local airbase. The owl is looked after by the site staff.
anyway, just discovered today that the beer festival is this weekend and not next weekend- ho hum. There is always next year.