Gave the dash a little treat

Surely that's overkill buddy, no one can seriously need that amount of dummy plug socket boxes attached to their shelving!!!!

forgot they were still on there lol,was a job i started 6 years ago. Bought a retractable lead instead
Wow, some serious cleaning materials going on there. So tell me @Amped what's the best stuff for getting mozzies out of the front of the bus then please? Mine are cemented on from yesterdays drive home through France :mad:
I would of said a citrus prewash/traffic film remover. Spray on and let it soak in, but not dry, then wash with your normal shampoo
I use a decent car general purpose cleaner; Bill Hamber Surfex is great. I use it on wheels (far less harsh than wheel cleaner), the front and for interior plastics.

Spray it on the front (I dilute about 1:4),wait a bit, clean it off.