First Trip In The Van


T6 Pro
First trip in the new van and everything this weekend. Exciting. I must admit the most tens moment is the 2.1m height barriers on the car parks that are the trail head for some of the walks I plan on doing.

I mean....the van is supposed to be under that height, but not exactly under 2m (VW conversion with raising roof).

It's going to be...tense.

May have some images of it - hopefully not with radical roof scrapes. haha.
Ha! Enjoy!

I’ve got mine under a 2.1m barrier. It’s a T28, converted, standard suspension with an Austops roof.
Nice one. We jumped in at the deep end and did 2300 mile road trip through Europe in ours.
Is awesome driving through the Swiss Alps, superb roads and scenery
Swiss Alps. Brave first trip. I have been to the Swiss Alps, just not in the van.

The experiment went well. Few things I'd do differently. Good news is the dog took well to it!

The main issue, as I'm sure most people appreciate is storage. It only looks like you have a lot of space. The issue is as soon as I want to put the bed down I have to move stuff from behind the rear seat into the front cabin area. This isn't the end of the world and could be made easier but trying to find way to avoid doing it all.

Need to think about it a bit.
I've spent the last 5 years in and out of the Swiss alps, Germany, Austria, France, Italy and Portugal. I cannot urge people enough with Campers to take the plunge into Europe. It's not as scary as people think, and especially easy in a camper where you have the luxury of a daily driver to explore the areas you're camping. I've been a Caravan owner and now a Motorhome owner for just over 12 years, only spending the last 5 years in Europe for 95% of my holidays in a year. I wish i'd of done it much sooner.
As we speak @ROMANY TAMPIN is in Portugal, or at least he was from his WhatsApp message yesterday, in his T6 Camper. He's out there for 6 weeks, and visiting several countries, soaking up the sun and jumping off mountains, or anything also over 100ft :eek: well jealous.

Bring on the spring where i'm back over there. Love it.
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