Sorry guys I’m not having it. I’m happy to stick up for the waste depots.
Bloody whingers, heh heh!
The variance in local rules is only an issue or remotely confusing if for some odd reason you chose to use more than one site away from where you live. Why would you do that?
Your council tax only pays for your own area’s site, it’s not national, local authorities have to pay landfill charges you know!
Where I live, the Harrow sites were so good at taking stuff and helping folks unload that they attracted folks from elsewhere and we had queues causing traffic jams.
To resolve that now we have to bring ID, and guess what - the chancers from other areas have disappeared, and hey still busy but no queues.
It used to cost me to dispose of their bloomin’ waste
Flytipping is illegal and to me it’s abhorrent, use your local site.
I’ll only accept the contributing factor IF sites are closed or have restricted hours and sadly that IMHO is a contributing factor, but hey you voted the bu66ers in.
Check and get to know your local site rules then, hey suddenly it’s not hard!
And off soapbox