I'm still at work as unable to work from home. (Security systems installer)
If I dont work then no cash for me . . . . . No 80% HMRC or PAYE.... so I have to go to work to provide for the family etc etc or go onto GOV SSP which wont cover the food bill let alone the mortgage or van finance.
Most of the work is building site and local authority.... . . . So is in the current grey area of either building site or critical infrastructure which is currently still open and operating.
As above the main thing is to keep up the social distance measures, 2mtrs appart and keep hand washing etc etc
We have to were PPE at work anyway.. gloves, glasses, hard hat, hivis...
We have been issued with a letter to take out in the van if stopped by police etc to say why we are out........
So I think you need to make a personal choice.
Do you need to go work to pay for the family? . . . . If like us and may others we are still at work..
On the flip side my partner is currently working from home via the internet and phone as she has an office based job where they are all remote workers now. (Apparently they are MORE productive at home !!!! Just shows how much chit-chat and waisted time goes on at work!)