DaveyB Living it up on the West Sussex coast. VIP Member T6 Legend 1 Apr 2018 #1 Got a rather unusual Easter egg today. Not exactly egg shaped, unless the chocolate chicken had a misshapen bottom! Pretty cool though
Got a rather unusual Easter egg today. Not exactly egg shaped, unless the chocolate chicken had a misshapen bottom! Pretty cool though
Oldrat Senior Crafter T6 Legend 1 Apr 2018 #2 Yep. Very cool Is it an OEM or patent part though, I’ve heard tales of spares being made out of chocolate
Yep. Very cool Is it an OEM or patent part though, I’ve heard tales of spares being made out of chocolate
Tourershine Senior Citizen. VIP Member T6 Master 1 Apr 2018 #3 Pffft. Easter Shmeaster. I ate my egg 3 days ago after the wife tried to hide it in the back of her car. Just need to wait till she's up this morning to tell her
Pffft. Easter Shmeaster. I ate my egg 3 days ago after the wife tried to hide it in the back of her car. Just need to wait till she's up this morning to tell her
Lord Mfwic I'm Batman. T6 Legend 1 Apr 2018 #4 DaveyB said: Got a rather unusual Easter egg today. Not exactly egg shaped, unless the chocolate chicken had a misshapen bottom! Pretty cool though View attachment 20035 Click to expand... That is super cool.
DaveyB said: Got a rather unusual Easter egg today. Not exactly egg shaped, unless the chocolate chicken had a misshapen bottom! Pretty cool though View attachment 20035 Click to expand... That is super cool.
DaveyB Living it up on the West Sussex coast. VIP Member T6 Legend 1 Apr 2018 #6 RAD said: M&S were doing these. I just got egg shaped chocolate Click to expand... That’s eggsactly where this one was hatched.
RAD said: M&S were doing these. I just got egg shaped chocolate Click to expand... That’s eggsactly where this one was hatched.