Does anyone one know where I can get this trim profile..?

Mr blue

T6 Pro
Hi all does anyone know if you can get this trim profile anywhere it’s from the piece that joins the two roof panels together in a kombi bit i need abit about 2mtres long to edge my roof any idea ?? Thks


I'm missing this trim also from where the bulk head has been fitted, once i take bulk head out its going to leave a nasty gap. Finding this trim in advance would be good! Anyone?
I'm missing this trim also from where the bulk head has been fitted, once i take bulk head out its going to leave a nasty gap. Finding this trim in advance would be good! Anyone?
It’s almost certainly sourced from a glazing stockist, try looking at UPVC glazing suppliers online.
I think i might have the original one from my kombi but it wont be 2m @Mr blue. It would probably do you @NorthernT6 but i think the actual roof panels might be slightly shorter in a van with a bulkhead than they are in a kombi. I have those as well i think. How far North are you?
The trim in the photo is the OEM trim. It won’t close the gap left by removing the bulk head. I suggest going to a local converter. They probably will have quite a bit of this and also maybe the slightly longer roof piece from out of a van with no bulkhead.
Need to get some pics up BoroBoy when you get time. Might need some work doing next year myself. Leisure battery etc. Would be good to see his work.