Buying Advice


New Member
Hi all,
We have just started looking to buy a transporter to go away on holidays.
After looking for a little while it seems like there’s quite a bit of variety and prices.
I’m just wondering if anyone had some views on whether it’s better to buy a newer model and spend the Money to convert it or to buy one that is already converted that may have some more miles on it?
Also when going to see them is there anything that would be helpful to look out for on the vans as I’m not a mechanic?
We will have an okay budget but just wanted some advice from owners that might help with buying a camper.

Thanks in advance

I’d say if you have the time and the budget, but new and convert to your spec. If you need one now buy one that’s been done.
Mechanically I’m not sure, someone will be along and will give you some advice on that department.

Hope you get what you want