67 plate with led rears. So I've had an ongoing issue with this for about 3 years. At first service one of the DTRLs was out, I assumed a bulb but main dealer said it was a wiring fault. This was eventually fixed but intermittent fail lamp showing on the dash ever since. I have a tow bar but lamp showing seems to have no common reason for being on. I leave lights on auto and sometimes I start the van and its on, others not. Its been in multiple times now and this final time has had a specific VW fix to a known problem (dealer bullcrap?). All supposedly fixed and I turn the key and the warning light comes on. Dealer is clueless, am awaiting a call tomorrow to discuss, they won't ring, vindis (to be avoided at all cost) in Northampton, Any ideas? I need to replace a rear lamp as its been cracked but didn't want to get into repinning for 6.1 leds as the dealer won't want to know after that. TIA.