Battery Monitor - negative or ground?


T6 Pro
Hi all,
Quick one. Added a batter charger and as suggested black goes to ground not battery negative.

move added a battery monitor. Should the negative also go to ground or actually on the negative terminal on battery as instructions :/

This is what I have currently But unsure if black should go to same place charger negative does on body.


seems to be working of battery neg but happy to be corrected.

unlike the battery. Time to replace the Moll with something. Is there a like for like Varta?

Best attached to ground. I’ve got mine connected to the same bolts you have attached the charger connection.
Ah cool will swap thanks.

1st start with it connected took a while and the oil light started to flash about 3 time but then it started and went out. Now starts fine :/
Right so just moved it to ground. 1st start slow then fine. No oil light on slow start.

No cranking data on ground rather than battery negative though. Expect that’s correct ?
seems to be working of battery neg but happy to be corrected.

unlike the battery. Time to replace the Moll with something. Is there a like for like Varta?

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I slightly disagree here.
All consumers need to be connected to chassis so that the battery monitoring systems work correctly, but for a dedicated monitor like the ctek battery monitor, I have mine across the battery so that I see the true value of the battery I am monitoring.