Back door solid or glass


Senior Member
T6 Pro
After all your advise again when we get the call for the conversion do you think it is a good idea to leave the back door panel solid just have the windows down the sides we like the idea of solid back door but would like you views once again thanks so much :thumbsup:
Hi Penry Bet time seems like it is standing still . we are having ours done in the next few months i feel like a kid cant wait
We prefer the solid door, didn't want to have curtains/blinds at the back.

Will look close to this when finished, 2 weeks and counting

View attachment 15723
Photo is Hillside Leisure - are they doing your van?

Edit: sorry just read an older post - you have already said you are buying from them.
Hi Davenjo No Bodans are doing ours oops sorry just noticed you are referring to Penrys photo :whistle:
@Davenjo Yes Hillside, ordered back in July think they may of had a delay getting the van in.

Seen you've had a solar panel fitted by them, could i ask, was it done the same day or did you leave your van.
@Davenjo Yes Hillside, ordered back in July think they may of had a delay getting the van in.

Seen you've had a solar panel fitted by them, could i ask, was it done the same day or did you leave your van.
It was fitted the same day but I had to go back a couple of times because of a faulty controller. Ideally I think they would like it a bit longer though to let the sealant fully set before driving off down the motorway.

In case you didn’t see my post earlier today, the supplier of the panel I have is giving 15% off everything tomorrow.
Order it with a solid door, if you change your mind you can easily get a window fitted afterwards.
If you order with a window you cannot change your mind.
True but you wont have wiper and most likely heating elements, it also probably makes it much darker.

Finally its actually useful to be able to see behind you ha
Wipers and heaters are overrated ;)

Are the factory windows lighter tint?
My side ones seem the same as aftermarket.
@Aljon Bodans look like they do some nice conversions, hope you don’t have to wait too long:thumbsup:
Regarding the solid tailgate, with having to drive a largish van daily for work (over 30 years) I’ve never used a rear view mirror , never missed it.
Also the company that is doing ours came with clear glass in the tailgate then put tinted glass in the sides so another reason for us to go solid.
Having a rear window has never bothered me either, I have side mirrors and Parking sensors, Bike rack on permanently so would be restricted view anyway, and the other reason is if sleeping in the van and im parked up somewhere and some numpty decides to throw a brick through my rear window, it would hurt :whistle:
Window for us, it is used as my wife’s daily driver and she is in and out of tight school car parks so likes the visibility behind, it is lighter inside as well.
Did you say yours was a LWB?

All i can say is it depends where you have your kitchen set up?
Ours is LWB with kitchen at rear.
With this in mind the window and light is invaluable at the back of van.

I guess if SWB and/or side on kitchen then window/light not an issue.
Hi Gavandi . ours is a LWB and the kitchen is going on the side so we will have plenty of light and we are going for front lift roof .