B pillar heater duct flow


New Member

I’ve bought a planar heater, delivered today, I’m looking into a B pillar install but would having furniture installed behind drivers seat restrict the flow?


I put the furniture in today to see how much room there is behind drivers seat, concerned the flow will not be any good??

Has anyone else installed it on the B pillar and have similar furniture layout?

just in case anyone’s wondering about my install, I’m waiting on the hilo to be fitted, the company who’s doing it have the roof I just can’t get it there with current restrictions, the van was booked first week of lock down! Doh....

I have the auxiliary heater outlet in the b-post, and whilst I don’t have any furniture in my van, simply based upon where the heat is ejected and the shape/ direction of the fins in the vent, I would suggest all that you will achieve is a roasting hot end cupboard.