Auto Lights & Intermittant wipers stopped working?

Gareth Graham

New Member
VIP Member
Morning All, as the title suggestes the Auto Lights & Intermittant wipers stopped working. lights work if you turn them on manually and wipers work apart from intermittant. are there seperate fueses for these?
2016 VW T6 Highline

Thanks in advance
Intermittent wipers won’t work if bonnet not shut properly, don’t know if same applies to auto lights
The common thing between those two is the windscreen sensor, done anything to cab roof or interior light lately ?
Sounds like an issue with the sensor in the rearview mirror. Check Fuse SC53
tapped into interior lights but from on of the lights in the back, only other thing I've done is run some cables along the top of the passanger door, then down the piller to under the seat.
Theres been a few instances of the wires being disturbed and the plug coming off the RLS sensor at top of windscreen, if any wires have been pulled inside cab roof its a possibility ?

A fault scan of the van would indicate whats going on