I've recently bought a VW van and have issues closing the Austop roof ( design has two ratchet straps.) I've watched many YouTube videos on how to do it etc. and have tried folding the material; pulling material out when closing and cable ties around the latch but despite all advise the pop top seems 'loose' over the driver's side so much so, that rain came through the zip bit when driving. I presume the rain was getting underneath and then pooling in the canvas and then dripping through the zip. I'm starting to wonder if I need to take it for someone to look at. Unless anyone has any ideas of what I might be doing wrong or something I need to fix. One thing I have noticed it the strap at the back of the pop top to pull it in is broken and they have attached a bungee cord round the middle of the outside to help bring it in...I have found this to be advice on how to avoid the material tearing in the folding mechanism. Just wondered if anyone had any advice on what it might be or what I'm doing wrong. Thanks in advance.