Any domestic solar PV experts here?

I doubt you would produce anywhere near that this time of year, in good summer conditions maybe but winter time the averages can be surprisingly low !
Exactly, on a good day in summer, our 4KW system will produce 21-23kwh. Mid winter, it can be less than 1kwh. Personally I can’t see the cost benefit in batteries unless you have a wind turbine too.
I had 6 quotes and I realised as they came in what a bunch of rip off artists there in this business.

100% this. My brother (who knows what he is talking about on the electrical side) has just had a big solar array fitted, and is currently waiting for the house power bank to finish it off.
He spotted that there are loads of people who can tell a good story, but don’t know what they are talking about.

I haven’t looked into depth on the figures but don’t forget that the panels rating is the most they can generate not typical with inefficiencies.
Chargers, inverters, cables, switchgear all have loslosses
That's what the x 0.77 is supposed to account for.
I doubt you would produce anywhere near that this time of year, in good summer conditions maybe but winter time the averages can be surprisingly low !
Absolutely, this is best case.
I have an issue with some of this.

1. That cost is high. I had an 8.2kw battery and Solar edge fitted to my existing 3.2kw array for £5.5k. Panels would have been a further £4k.
2. The DNO will have an issue with a 6.2kw array and you’d need a special certificate for it which takes the provision time out to 6-9 months.. I think 4kw is the max if export is involved for safety reasons on a normal certificate which they may just do over the phone and email. 6kw they’ll be no chance.
3. My payback on the battery alone has dropped from 5 to 3.5 years. 89% of my leccy bill is off peak charging the battery and the car. My most expensive monthly electric bill since I had my battery fitted Nov 21 has been £57 and I have an EV averaging 600-700 miles pm.
3. 6.6kWh is crap especially when connected to a 6.4kw array. Why would he try to sell you that? the solar would fill the batteries in a couple of hours and the rest will go to the grid in May/June/July. 2 batteries in that setup is very inefficient in terms of costs and losses. An 8.2kwh GivEnergy with an AC couple 3kw inverter was between £3200 - £3700 with installation costs on top. Mine came in at £3999.
4. If you are looking at a SEG payment (replaced FITS) then you’ll need a smart meter. That’ll also decrease the payback time.

There are a couple of great sites on FB on this and there are a lot of answers there.

I had 6 quotes and I realised as they came in what a bunch of rip off artists there in this business. There was a disparity of £5k between the top and bottom quotes. Then I spoke to the guy with the lowest quote and the stuff that was missing was legendary. Scaffolding £450, DNO Cert £100 it just went on.

I’d contact Experienced and Professional Electrical and Renewable Energy Contractors ask for Darren Ball. A straight talking very honest guy who stopped me spending fortune with him and gave me a sensible alternative to what i wanted. Use my name I may get a backhander :slow rofl:
Thanks for the comprehensive reply. I've asked a few companies for quotes, some have looked at Google maps and said, no chance, which strikes them straight off the list because the imagery is about 15 years old! Lots has changed at the property in that time. This is just the first one who has actually bothered to even come round and have a look. The others must be making enough to not bother. I'll deffo give your man a ring, I'm 10 miles from Donny!
That's what the x 0.77 is supposed to account for.

Absolutely, this is best case.

Thanks for the comprehensive reply. I've asked a few companies for quotes, some have looked at Google maps and said, no chance, which strikes them straight off the list because the imagery is about 15 years old! Lots has changed at the property in that time. This is just the first one who has actually bothered to even come round and have a look. The others must be making enough to not bother. I'll deffo give your man a ring, I'm 10 miles from Donny!
Google maps is updated 6 monthly ish.
Possibly depends where you live? I'm in a very small rural town in North Lincs. Not much changes, although the cars at my house on Google are the previous owners. Bing is from last summer, easy to tell as there is a mobile home in the back garden!
Got the following from Ivoltz in Donny....

Please find below our quotation for the system we recommend for your property:-

· 9 no. all black solar panels

· Above roof mounting system

· GivEnergy 3.6 kWh Hybrid Inverter

· GivEnergy 9.5 kWh battery

· Installation

· Access equipment

· MCS certification

· HIES 10 year warranty

£11,840 inc. VAT @ 0%

This is a fit and inform system.

Its a bit more than I was expecting and I need a bit more info, arranged to call them on Monday. I would also like to install a few more panels on my S facing wall, which they've said can be done
Got the following from Ivoltz in Donny....

Please find below our quotation for the system we recommend for your property:-

· 9 no. all black solar panels

· Above roof mounting system

· GivEnergy 3.6 kWh Hybrid Inverter

· GivEnergy 9.5 kWh battery

· Installation

· Access equipment

· MCS certification

· HIES 10 year warranty

£11,840 inc. VAT @ 0%

This is a fit and inform system.

Its a bit more than I was expecting and I need a bit more info, arranged to call them on Monday. I would also like to install a few more panels on my S facing wall, which they've said can be done
That’s looks a lot better. Moving to 9.5kwh from your original 6.6kwh is far better.
what would be your solar output On the 9 panels?
That’s looks a lot better. Moving to 9.5kwh from your original 6.6kwh is far better.
what would be your solar output On the 9 panels?
This is one of the questions I have. That's all the info I got. I'm assuming they will be around 400w, like the other quotes I have. So about 3.6 kwh I reckon. Hence the south facing wall coming in to play.