2016 Interior light issue


Hi everyone,

I drove my van for the first time in about 8 weeks and after 10 miles or so the interior lights (console above the dashboard) all came on.
Changing the position of any of the light switch doesn't make any difference, it is permanently on unless the doors are locked.

Some further information
A VCDS scan doesn't reveal any fault codes
There are no door open indicators on the dashboard which would indicate a switch at fault.
The battery had previously discharged but was charged to full before driving (with the -ve lead connected to a ground point other than the terminal)

Can anyone offer any insight into what could be causing this, or otherwise point me in the right direction.

Thanks very much :cool:
Has your van been converted?
Hi Deaky - yes it was professionally converted back in 2017 and has been trouble free since then.
It will almost certainly be a screw through the loom or a trapped wire then.
Thanks for your help.
I guess an auto electrician is the best way forward then? Does anyone know of one in Lincolnshire or near Peterborough?

Thanks :cool:
I thought I'd report back after a couple of months of being quiet on the subject!

I think I've concluded that the interior light issue relates to a peculiarity associated with the main vehicle battery going flat.
In the first case of this happening the poor thing had been left to go completely flat and although charged to full (with the earth connected at the chassis) the interior light above the gearstick remained on whilst driving until 2 hours of driving time had elapsed and it was left locked overnight. After this the interior light behaved itself.

After no problems for approx 200 miles I intentionally flattened the battery before recharging as above , sure enough the same happened - it resolved itself after 2 hrs of driving and being left overnight locked.

Since then I've covered approx 500 miles with no issues, no VCDS fault codes - I guess it must be just one of those things when the battery goes flat?

I hope this helps someone else out.
