16" Alloys


New Member
Hi I'm new to the T6 community and I'll be the first to hold my hands up to admit motor knowledge is not my thing.

I have purchased from eBay 16" Clayton Alloy wheels but they never came with locking wheel nuts.

I have no ideas what ones would fit them on eBay/Amazon and whether I need specific ones.

Could anyone enlighten me and perhaps attach a link to eBay/Amazon where they are sold.

Thanks in advance
VW have a very specific specification for their wheel bolts so I suggest you get a set from your main dealer or Ask @Pauly to get you a set from the forum shop.
VW sell locking wheel bolt kits they will be available from your local dealer and are guaranteed to fit, if you would rather have something shipped to you i would be happy to get a set for you and post them but dont have a price to hand but will probably be a few quid more than your dealer price to cover postage