You Gotta Be Kidding!!!!


Senior Member
T6 Pro
Hi All

So had a long trip today (not in van), the car's dashboard illuminated with red warning signs and told me to drive moderately and told me to call a garage. Nothing major just the brakes! So phoned garage all very simple, pick car up, courtesy car blah blah blah.................. anyway to the point ............

Whilst driving moderately I thought when does the van need servicing, it was registered end of March 2016 so coming upto 2 years. Phoned local VW dealer and got put through to booking and asked the chap what service it needed, it's done nearly 13k and only really used in the Summer. He checked recalls which were clear then told it would be 412 quid! I've had sportscars serviced for less for first service! I asked him to send me the quote! Clicky ..........upload_2018-3-6_18-26-45.png

I then spoke to the actual service desk who told me it needed an intermediate service (oil change), 186 quid!
That's handy mine is showing required soon and was wondering on costs.
So I've been quoted 186 but why does the cost vary so much? Surely VW franchises should be regulated?
Remember, if you get a lower quote for the same service from a local vat registered independent using Vw parts, then VW Commercial/Dealers will price match it. See their website for details.

Worth it if you want to drive down cost and have a genuine VW stamp in your service book.