What TV adverts really annoy you ?

Dave Mac

VIP Member
T6 Guru
So I have the ability to shut out most things that are present in the room that are of no interest. Alas some tv adverts do filter through and these are what annoy me, the all singing car advert that shows a vehicle built in Britain but on the advert is left hand drive and in small print states some features not available in this country (which country we don’t buy lhd vehicles here normally).
The super food product that’s a best seller now has a new improved recipe and tastes even better, (they found a cheaper way to make it and it taste different).
When did pets suddenly decide their food had to look better than mine?
So what makes you grip your ring in the advertising world?
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Definitely 'French' car ads.....fake French accents, left hand drive cars......can't be bothered to make a UK specific ad.....
Merc do that with adverts too, show full-leather or something that's not available in the UK. Fake Swedish accents aren't great either for Volvo.

The Verisure ads manage to make everyone in them look as thick as mince...
Sofa ads! If I bought a sofa for £1200 and two weeks later it was double discounted to £299 on a bloody bank holiday, I’d be straight back there with the sofa demanding £901 back!
Adverts for mattresses.
Surely for every pound spent on a mattress these days 99p must go back into advertising.

Also ads that contain impossibly cheery / condescending voiceovers e.g. the Omaze ones
Adverts for mattresses.
Surely for every pound spent on a mattress these days 99p must go back into advertising.

Also ads that contain impossibly cheery / condescending voiceovers e.g. the Omaze ones
I can assure you, neither me or the missus looks like that when we wake up following a night on our pocket sprung, memory foam, breathable, hot and cold mattress without a sheet on!
I can assure you, neither me or the missus looks like that when we wake up following a night on our pocket sprung, memory foam, breathable, hot and cold mattress without a sheet on!
And no pillow cases and brand new Jim jams ( I’m not allowed to wear mine in case I’m taken into hospital they need to be clean ready) not sure what she has planned for me.
ALL adverts on subscription based channels - you pay for the channel, then get endless adverts too