Watched Threads


Senior Citizen.
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T6 Master
You'd think the fact i'm always on here, i'd know this place inside out by now.

I have a few threads I must of clicked to 'watch' when I first joined here all those years ago when I had a healthier bank balance :(

Anyway, these threads that are not relevant to anything current, but buggered if I can find how to 'un-watch' these now, to stop the emails.

I always use this place through my Mac if it's different from a phone if anyone can point what's possibly obvious, but I cannot see please.
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On my phone in the Top right hand corner of said thread there is a button which says “watched thread” for you it will say “unwatched thread. Click on that...

Across the top in the light blue banner you've got a "watched threads" tab. You can delete on mass in there.
@Tourershine have you chosen to unfollow the threads because of the alert emails, or because of the site alert notifications icon? I assume you know you can watch a thread without signing up to receive an email every time there’s a new post?
Thanks @Loz
I knew how to access my watched threads, and I saw the list I was watching. My problem was on my laptop, I couldn't see anything obvious that unticked or removed the threads I was watching.
I'm sorted now, it was a bit more obvious on the mobile site version.

It was threads I'd obviously clicked last year when I initially joined the forum, but now and again they'd be revived on here and I'd get an email notification. It wasn't a problem, I was just cleaning up my profile this morning at silly o clock.